A mí no me sorprende en absoluto. Estoy cada vez más convencido que esto viene de Daniel Craig y si por tanto era su deseo para su última película... ¿para qué manejar otras opciones? Hasta no me extrañaría que estuviese definido por contrato.
En el guion inicial de Purvis y Wade Bond se quedaba con Madeliene y la niña, que no era su hija. En algún momento, a raíz de Boyle o en contra de Boyle (deseando que se sepa algo por Taschen), deciden que Bond muera o, cuando menos, desaparezca y sea dado por muerto ... y van con ello hasta el final. ¿Se rodaron finales alternativos? Hubo rumores de que rodaron tres, pero yo no termino de creerlo. Es posible que hubiera finales con otros matices, pero de ahí a rodar tres diferentes ...
Creo que es buen momento para recordar la supuesta historia filtrada hace un año y medio. Yo sigo creyendo que tiene bastantes visos de ser real, pero anterior a los retoques de Fukunaga y Waller-Bridge y probablemente a la entrada del Boyle y Hodge.
Safin (Rami Malek) is a former member of SPECTRE. Believing that his extremist methods were dangerous, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) ordered his assassination, but Safin survived, albeit heavily scarred, and disappeared. Over the following 20 years, he built an international criminal empire, relying on groundbreaking gene therapy to prolong his life. He crosses paths with James Bond (Daniel Craig) when he begins assassination SPECTRE's leaders following Blofeld's arrest by the MI6 in order to seize control of the organization.
Safin's plan is to use an algae-based bioweapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans of his design. The Adam & Eve of Safin's Eden will be child clones of himself and Bond's lover Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux), with whom he has been obsessed since meeting her as a young girl.
In Italy, James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux) are attacked by SPECTRE while visiting the tomb of Vesper Lynd. Bond believes Madeline has betrayed him and they separate. One year later, Bond is living in Jamaica. Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) recruits him to rescue Dr. Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik) from SPECTRE in Cuba. Bond later meets MI6 agent Nomi (Lashana Lynch), who has also been assigned to find Obruchev.
In Cuba, Bond meets Leiter’s protégés Paloma (Ana de Armas) and Ashe (Billy Magnussen). Bond and Paloma infiltrate a SPECTRE outpost and learn that a rival organization is killing SPECTRE’s leaders and stealing their resources. They rescue Obruchev and meet with Leiter in a boat, but are betrayed by Ashe, who is working for the new organization. Ashe kills Leiter and Paloma and kidnaps Obruchev. Bond survives and Nomi rescues Obruchev.
In London, Bond rejoins the MI6 to avenge Leiter and Paloma, and learns they have recruited Madeline as a consultant. Bond interrogates Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz), who reveals that Safin (Rami Malek), a rogue SPECTRE operative with a secret connection to Madeline, leads the new organization. Nomi learns Safin stole Obruchev’s research on a new algae-based bioweapon.
Madeline reveals that, when she was a child, Safin came to kill her mother. Young Madeline fell into a frozen lake trying to escape, but was rescued by Safin, who abducted her and has been coercing her into helping him in exchange for sparing her mother’s life. Bond and Madeline locate Madeline’s mother in Norway, and she provides a clue to Safin’s whereabouts before Ashe and his men arrive, kill her and abduct Madeline.
Nomi volunteers to help Bond rescue Madeline. Blofeld helps them decipher Madeline’s mother’s clue and locate Safin’s lair in an abandoned diamond mine in Russia, where Madeline learns that Safin is planning to use Obruchev’s weapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans. He has already made a girl based on Madeline’s DNA to be the Eve, and is making a boy based on own DNA to be the Adam of his New Eden.
Bond and Nomi infiltrate Safin’s lair. Bond is captured and brought before Safin, but manages to escape, disable the bioweapon and kill Safin, avenging Leiter and Paloma. Meanwhile, Nomi kills Ashe and rescues Madeline and Eve. The four escape before the facility explodes and reunites at a nearby beach, where Bond and Madeline reconcile and decide to raise Eve together, while Nomi returns to the MI6. Bond assures her that he’s never too far gone if they need his help again.
Visto sobre el papel Saffin me resulta más interesante, al menos da la impresión que su personaje tiene un fin. Bastante interesante lo que he leído, aunque el final parezca un poco flojo, especialmente como final de etapa.
Es posible que fuera el primer borrador del guión, pero sinceramente lo dije ya en su día y lo mantengo hoy. Lo de los clones me parece ya demasiado ciencia ficción para esta franquicia y más aun con Craig de protagonista.
Por cierto, yo también pienso que lo de la muerte de Bond es cosa de Craig, de hecho seguramente fue una de las cosas con lo que lo atrajeron para seguir una mas. Además de ser siempre un "caramelito" interpretativo para cualquier actor/actriz, es que en este caso tratándose ni más ni menos que de un personaje tan importante y popular como James Bond con más razón todavía.
Insisto en que es muy interesante leer este hilo completo para ver el cómo se hizo con puntos de vista más libres que el de los libros oficiales. Por ejemplo, en la página 17 comentamos lo del Valhalla en Escocia y su sustitución por el Superleggera. Sustitución digital confirmada por uno de efectos visuales en un podcast francés (Recordemos que el coche salió sin matrícula en un tráiler y luego se le añadió... ¿Olvido?)
Si, rememorar ahora todas aquellas "locuras" que se daban casi por seguras es muy divertido. Una de mis favoritas era la de que estaban rodando a la vez una serie de televisión centrada en el personajes de Nomi.
Una de mis favoritas era la de que estaban rodando a la vez una serie de televisión centrada en el personajes de Nomi.
Esto me interesa, porque me suena que todo vino por una escena que se rodaba con dos claquetas diferentes, algo así llegué a oir yo. ¿Tenéis esa foto de las dos supuestas claquetas? He buscado pero no encuentro
Por cierto, efectivamente, una cagada lo de poner la voz de Saffin en el doblaje donde no le corresponde, en la escena del secuestro a Obruchev. En VO claramente es la voz de otra persona que no solo habla con acento ruso, es que además habla en ruso.
Los doblajes son más propensos a gazapos que a filtraciones...
Por cierto, efectivamente, una cagada lo de poner la voz de Saffin en el doblaje donde no le corresponde, en la escena del secuestro a Obruchev. En VO claramente es la voz de otra persona que no solo habla con acento ruso, es que además habla en ruso.
Quiero pensar que el director de doblaje creía que era la voz de Malik en la versión original. Aunque me temo que lo más fácil es que se haya tratado simplemente de "negligencia"...
En todo caso es un error muy grave, porque efectivamente crea un agujero de guion donde realmente no lo hay.
Bueno, al lado de lo de "el valle de la silicona" como 40 veces a lo largo de AVTAK, me parece un fallo menor del doblaje.
Recuerdo que en SP también había dudas en el trailer (en la versión original) con una frase que no se sabía si la decía Blofeld o C. Supongo que, al no ver la cara de quien habla, se pueden cometer estos errores.
Todavía flipo con que rodaran la explosión en el mismo cementerio. Que les dieran el permiso me refiero. Sí, estará todo muy controlado, más que en Pinewood seguramente Pero no deja de ser un explosión en un cementerio
No era un cementerio real, claro, es un decorado.
El puente, por cierto, ni siquiera está en Matera, está en Gravina, a unos 30 kilómetros...
El decorado del cementerio y sus vistas de Matera:
¿Y me pregunto, el decorado del cementerio lo desmontaron y se lo llevaron, o se ha quedado allí y se puede visitar? Porque igual sería un buen reclamo turístico que añadir a la belleza natural del lugar.
En el libro de Taschen se cuenta que la idea de que Bond muera la tenía Craig desde hacía años...
No me sorprende, pero es un gran aporte que se confirme oficialmente. También se había hablado mucho del empeño de Harrison Ford en que muriera Han Solo, ¿hablarían del tema en el rodaje de Cowboys v Aliens?
¿Dice algo de las ideas de Boyle y Hodge para la película y lo que permaneció de ellas en el guion definitivo?
Se podrá estar o no de acuerdo... ¡Pero madre mía que emocionante resulta escuchar a este hombre! Y lo que expone es cuanto menos, interesante.
Lo vi ayer; impresionante reflexión y muy bien hecho el vídeo. Casi, casi hasta me convence con lo del título...
Con esta película, conforme pasan los días, más me convencen los argumentos a favor y, dicho con todo el respeto, más endebles me parecen la mayoría de las críticas que se hacen en su contra.
Michael G. Wilson In March 2017, we started developing a script with Neal Purvis and Robert Wade where Bond continues his relationship with Madeleine Swann. It also featured a toxin that targets people based on their DNA, so it was essentially an untraceable assassin. When Danny Boyle came on board as director in early 2018 he wrote a new treatment with John Hodge. We liked the emotionality of it. Their idea was that Bond had a relationship in the past - not with Madeleine - and he finds out he has a child. The idea of Bond having a child has been mooted before - a daughter was in an early Spectre script. We liked the tone of the Hodge/Boyle treatment, but as it developed it started to veer further and further away from the original story.
Danny is a fantastic filmaker, but we both realized we wanted to make different movies, so we parted on friendly terms in August 2018.
La idea de Boyle sería que Bond tenía una hija antes de conocer a Madeleine. Gregg Wilson There were three core elements from the original Purvis and Wade script that we wanted to keep. Since Bond retires at the end of Spectre we liked the idea of introducing a new 007; she’s competitive with Bond and represents the new guard at MI6. Secondly, the DNA-targeted poison was the core idea for the threat. And lastly, we wanted a satisfying way for Bond to sacrifice himself at the end.
Daniel Craig When I started as Bond on Casino Royale, one of the early discussions I had with Barbara and Michael was that I would like to kill off Bond when I finished.
Barbara Broccoli We had considered killing Bond in Spectre, but decided against it.
Desde CR, Craig decía que quería matar a Bond cuando acabara. Barbara dice que lo consideraron hacer en Spectre y lo descartaron. Cary Fukunaga We were five months out from start of filming. To say there was a bit of pressure would be an understatement. We made it one piece of a time, with a placeholder for the end of the film.
Paul Duncan The placeholder ending included Bond swimming through a radioactive underwater Russian city and drilling through concrete to gather pathogens for the villain Valentin Segura. At the end Bond infiltrates Segura’s lair, Solovetsky Monastery in northern Russia, to rescue Madeleine and their daughter.
¿Ahora resulta que Craig queria despedirse con la muerte de James Bond desde Casino Roylale?
"¡Mi Bond no lo hereda nadie, por mis coj...!"
Y lo de Boyle... Pues nos quedamos prácticamente igual. Lo que dice Michael siempre (En el Making Of también) Que él y ellos querían hacer una peli muy diferente... (Aunque por lo que cuentan tampoco parecen tan diferentes las ideas)
Con esta película, conforme pasan los días, más me convencen los argumentos a favor y, dicho con todo el respeto, más endebles me parecen la mayoría de las críticas que se hacen en su contra.
Te recomiendo el próximo podcast para que oigas alguna crítica "endeble" más. Y no me refiero solo a las mías
David Zaritsky, ¡desde Goldeneye!, presenta siete finales alternativos de Sin tiempo para morir. Sí, en todos vive Bond. El de El Santo estaría en la sección "Caballero Oscuro", aunque si David lo hubiera leído lo pondría aparte
Por cierto, no creo que haya hecho ningún vídeo con siete finales para Dr. No, OHMSS, Alta tensión o GoldenEye...
Michael G. Wilson In March 2017, we started developing a script with Neal Purvis and Robert Wade where Bond continues his relationship with Madeleine Swann. It also featured a toxin that targets people based on their DNA, so it was essentially an untraceable assassin. When Danny Boyle came on board as director in early 2018 he wrote a new treatment with John Hodge. We liked the emotionality of it. Their idea was that Bond had a relationship in the past - not with Madeleine - and he finds out he has a child. The idea of Bond having a child has been mooted before - a daughter was in an early Spectre script. We liked the tone of the Hodge/Boyle treatment, but as it developed it started to veer further and further away from the original story.
Danny is a fantastic filmaker, but we both realized we wanted to make different movies, so we parted on friendly terms in August 2018.
La idea de Boyle sería que Bond tenía una hija antes de conocer a Madeleine. Gregg Wilson There were three core elements from the original Purvis and Wade script that we wanted to keep. Since Bond retires at the end of Spectre we liked the idea of introducing a new 007; she’s competitive with Bond and represents the new guard at MI6. Secondly, the DNA-targeted poison was the core idea for the threat. And lastly, we wanted a satisfying way for Bond to sacrifice himself at the end.
Daniel Craig When I started as Bond on Casino Royale, one of the early discussions I had with Barbara and Michael was that I would like to kill off Bond when I finished.
Barbara Broccoli We had considered killing Bond in Spectre, but decided against it.
Desde CR, Craig decía que quería matar a Bond cuando acabara. Barbara dice que lo consideraron hacer en Spectre y lo descartaron. Cary Fukunaga We were five months out from start of filming. To say there was a bit of pressure would be an understatement. We made it one piece of a time, with a placeholder for the end of the film.
Paul Duncan The placeholder ending included Bond swimming through a radioactive underwater Russian city and drilling through concrete to gather pathogens for the villain Valentin Segura. At the end Bond infiltrates Segura’s lair, Solovetsky Monastery in northern Russia, to rescue Madeleine and their daughter.
¡Gracias Gonzalo!
Interesante, siempre se puede pedir más, pero aporta varios datos novedosos.
En el guion inicial de Purvis y Wade Bond se quedaba con Madeliene y la niña, que no era su hija. En algún momento, a raíz de Boyle o en contra de Boyle (deseando que se sepa algo por Taschen), deciden que Bond muera o, cuando menos, desaparezca y sea dado por muerto ... y van con ello hasta el final. ¿Se rodaron finales alternativos? Hubo rumores de que rodaron tres, pero yo no termino de creerlo. Es posible que hubiera finales con otros matices, pero de ahí a rodar tres diferentes ...
Creo que es buen momento para recordar la supuesta historia filtrada hace un año y medio. Yo sigo creyendo que tiene bastantes visos de ser real, pero anterior a los retoques de Fukunaga y Waller-Bridge y probablemente a la entrada del Boyle y Hodge.
Safin (Rami Malek) is a former member of SPECTRE. Believing that his extremist methods were dangerous, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) ordered his assassination, but Safin survived, albeit heavily scarred, and disappeared. Over the following 20 years, he built an international criminal empire, relying on groundbreaking gene therapy to prolong his life. He crosses paths with James Bond (Daniel Craig) when he begins assassination SPECTRE's leaders following Blofeld's arrest by the MI6 in order to seize control of the organization.
Safin's plan is to use an algae-based bioweapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans of his design. The Adam & Eve of Safin's Eden will be child clones of himself and Bond's lover Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux), with whom he has been obsessed since meeting her as a young girl.
In Italy, James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux) are attacked by SPECTRE while visiting the tomb of Vesper Lynd. Bond believes Madeline has betrayed him and they separate. One year later, Bond is living in Jamaica. Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) recruits him to rescue Dr. Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik) from SPECTRE in Cuba. Bond later meets MI6 agent Nomi (Lashana Lynch), who has also been assigned to find Obruchev.
In Cuba, Bond meets Leiter’s protégés Paloma (Ana de Armas) and Ashe (Billy Magnussen). Bond and Paloma infiltrate a SPECTRE outpost and learn that a rival organization is killing SPECTRE’s leaders and stealing their resources. They rescue Obruchev and meet with Leiter in a boat, but are betrayed by Ashe, who is working for the new organization. Ashe kills Leiter and Paloma and kidnaps Obruchev. Bond survives and Nomi rescues Obruchev.
In London, Bond rejoins the MI6 to avenge Leiter and Paloma, and learns they have recruited Madeline as a consultant. Bond interrogates Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz), who reveals that Safin (Rami Malek), a rogue SPECTRE operative with a secret connection to Madeline, leads the new organization. Nomi learns Safin stole Obruchev’s research on a new algae-based bioweapon.
Madeline reveals that, when she was a child, Safin came to kill her mother. Young Madeline fell into a frozen lake trying to escape, but was rescued by Safin, who abducted her and has been coercing her into helping him in exchange for sparing her mother’s life. Bond and Madeline locate Madeline’s mother in Norway, and she provides a clue to Safin’s whereabouts before Ashe and his men arrive, kill her and abduct Madeline.
Nomi volunteers to help Bond rescue Madeline. Blofeld helps them decipher Madeline’s mother’s clue and locate Safin’s lair in an abandoned diamond mine in Russia, where Madeline learns that Safin is planning to use Obruchev’s weapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans. He has already made a girl based on Madeline’s DNA to be the Eve, and is making a boy based on own DNA to be the Adam of his New Eden.
Bond and Nomi infiltrate Safin’s lair. Bond is captured and brought before Safin, but manages to escape, disable the bioweapon and kill Safin, avenging Leiter and Paloma. Meanwhile, Nomi kills Ashe and rescues Madeline and Eve. The four escape before the facility explodes and reunites at a nearby beach, where Bond and Madeline reconcile and decide to raise Eve together, while Nomi returns to the MI6. Bond assures her that he’s never too far gone if they need his help again.
Pues coincide en muchas cosas con la peli final para haberse filtrado tan tempranamente... ¿Quién lo filtraría?
En el guion inicial de Purvis y Wade Bond se quedaba con Madeliene y la niña, que no era su hija. En algún momento, a raíz de Boyle o en contra de Boyle (deseando que se sepa algo por Taschen), deciden que Bond muera o, cuando menos, desaparezca y sea dado por muerto ... y van con ello hasta el final. ¿Se rodaron finales alternativos? Hubo rumores de que rodaron tres, pero yo no termino de creerlo. Es posible que hubiera finales con otros matices, pero de ahí a rodar tres diferentes ...
Creo que es buen momento para recordar la supuesta historia filtrada hace un año y medio. Yo sigo creyendo que tiene bastantes visos de ser real, pero anterior a los retoques de Fukunaga y Waller-Bridge y probablemente a la entrada del Boyle y Hodge.
Safin (Rami Malek) is a former member of SPECTRE. Believing that his extremist methods were dangerous, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) ordered his assassination, but Safin survived, albeit heavily scarred, and disappeared. Over the following 20 years, he built an international criminal empire, relying on groundbreaking gene therapy to prolong his life. He crosses paths with James Bond (Daniel Craig) when he begins assassination SPECTRE's leaders following Blofeld's arrest by the MI6 in order to seize control of the organization.
Safin's plan is to use an algae-based bioweapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans of his design. The Adam & Eve of Safin's Eden will be child clones of himself and Bond's lover Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux), with whom he has been obsessed since meeting her as a young girl.
In Italy, James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux) are attacked by SPECTRE while visiting the tomb of Vesper Lynd. Bond believes Madeline has betrayed him and they separate. One year later, Bond is living in Jamaica. Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) recruits him to rescue Dr. Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik) from SPECTRE in Cuba. Bond later meets MI6 agent Nomi (Lashana Lynch), who has also been assigned to find Obruchev.
In Cuba, Bond meets Leiter’s protégés Paloma (Ana de Armas) and Ashe (Billy Magnussen). Bond and Paloma infiltrate a SPECTRE outpost and learn that a rival organization is killing SPECTRE’s leaders and stealing their resources. They rescue Obruchev and meet with Leiter in a boat, but are betrayed by Ashe, who is working for the new organization. Ashe kills Leiter and Paloma and kidnaps Obruchev. Bond survives and Nomi rescues Obruchev.
In London, Bond rejoins the MI6 to avenge Leiter and Paloma, and learns they have recruited Madeline as a consultant. Bond interrogates Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz), who reveals that Safin (Rami Malek), a rogue SPECTRE operative with a secret connection to Madeline, leads the new organization. Nomi learns Safin stole Obruchev’s research on a new algae-based bioweapon.
Madeline reveals that, when she was a child, Safin came to kill her mother. Young Madeline fell into a frozen lake trying to escape, but was rescued by Safin, who abducted her and has been coercing her into helping him in exchange for sparing her mother’s life. Bond and Madeline locate Madeline’s mother in Norway, and she provides a clue to Safin’s whereabouts before Ashe and his men arrive, kill her and abduct Madeline.
Nomi volunteers to help Bond rescue Madeline. Blofeld helps them decipher Madeline’s mother’s clue and locate Safin’s lair in an abandoned diamond mine in Russia, where Madeline learns that Safin is planning to use Obruchev’s weapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans. He has already made a girl based on Madeline’s DNA to be the Eve, and is making a boy based on own DNA to be the Adam of his New Eden.
Bond and Nomi infiltrate Safin’s lair. Bond is captured and brought before Safin, but manages to escape, disable the bioweapon and kill Safin, avenging Leiter and Paloma. Meanwhile, Nomi kills Ashe and rescues Madeline and Eve. The four escape before the facility explodes and reunites at a nearby beach, where Bond and Madeline reconcile and decide to raise Eve together, while Nomi returns to the MI6. Bond assures her that he’s never too far gone if they need his help again.
Pues coincide en muchas cosas con la peli final para haberse filtrado tan tempranamente... ¿Quién lo filtraría?
Pues me voy a desdecir, ahora, con lo que ha puesto ggl de Taschen, tengo serias dudas de que fuera una verdadera filtración. Entiendo que puede ser deducción de algún aficionado que con los trailers, las fotos del rodaje, las claquetas y un poco de imaginación se montó la película.
Otro detalle del TASCHEN:
Rami Malek Safin sets out to create a world where there is less bloodshed, to remove the world from hand-to-hand combat, from killing people in this animalistic way, as Bond essentially does, when he can kill in such a clean, precise manner. In his mind, this radically progressive technology will help humanity feel less guilty in the wars that they fight. Gregg Wilson We don't say it, but it is implied that Safin's poisoning also rendered him infertile, so he is the last of his family line. He knows that his legacy is only what he makes and leaves behind through his actions. Now he has found the scientist and the technology to wipe out entire family lines. When you have the potential to say, "this isn't just going to kill you, it's going to kill all your descendants", that is a powerful threat to wield.
No se dice pero Safin es estéril y por eso quiere acabar con familias enteras... ¿Tendrá esto algo que ver con su extraña fijación con Madeleine?
En el guion inicial de Purvis y Wade Bond se quedaba con Madeliene y la niña, que no era su hija. En algún momento, a raíz de Boyle o en contra de Boyle (deseando que se sepa algo por Taschen), deciden que Bond muera o, cuando menos, desaparezca y sea dado por muerto ... y van con ello hasta el final. ¿Se rodaron finales alternativos? Hubo rumores de que rodaron tres, pero yo no termino de creerlo. Es posible que hubiera finales con otros matices, pero de ahí a rodar tres diferentes ...
Creo que es buen momento para recordar la supuesta historia filtrada hace un año y medio. Yo sigo creyendo que tiene bastantes visos de ser real, pero anterior a los retoques de Fukunaga y Waller-Bridge y probablemente a la entrada del Boyle y Hodge.
Safin (Rami Malek) is a former member of SPECTRE. Believing that his extremist methods were dangerous, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) ordered his assassination, but Safin survived, albeit heavily scarred, and disappeared. Over the following 20 years, he built an international criminal empire, relying on groundbreaking gene therapy to prolong his life. He crosses paths with James Bond (Daniel Craig) when he begins assassination SPECTRE's leaders following Blofeld's arrest by the MI6 in order to seize control of the organization.
Safin's plan is to use an algae-based bioweapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans of his design. The Adam & Eve of Safin's Eden will be child clones of himself and Bond's lover Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux), with whom he has been obsessed since meeting her as a young girl.
In Italy, James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux) are attacked by SPECTRE while visiting the tomb of Vesper Lynd. Bond believes Madeline has betrayed him and they separate. One year later, Bond is living in Jamaica. Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) recruits him to rescue Dr. Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik) from SPECTRE in Cuba. Bond later meets MI6 agent Nomi (Lashana Lynch), who has also been assigned to find Obruchev.
In Cuba, Bond meets Leiter’s protégés Paloma (Ana de Armas) and Ashe (Billy Magnussen). Bond and Paloma infiltrate a SPECTRE outpost and learn that a rival organization is killing SPECTRE’s leaders and stealing their resources. They rescue Obruchev and meet with Leiter in a boat, but are betrayed by Ashe, who is working for the new organization. Ashe kills Leiter and Paloma and kidnaps Obruchev. Bond survives and Nomi rescues Obruchev.
In London, Bond rejoins the MI6 to avenge Leiter and Paloma, and learns they have recruited Madeline as a consultant. Bond interrogates Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz), who reveals that Safin (Rami Malek), a rogue SPECTRE operative with a secret connection to Madeline, leads the new organization. Nomi learns Safin stole Obruchev’s research on a new algae-based bioweapon.
Madeline reveals that, when she was a child, Safin came to kill her mother. Young Madeline fell into a frozen lake trying to escape, but was rescued by Safin, who abducted her and has been coercing her into helping him in exchange for sparing her mother’s life. Bond and Madeline locate Madeline’s mother in Norway, and she provides a clue to Safin’s whereabouts before Ashe and his men arrive, kill her and abduct Madeline.
Nomi volunteers to help Bond rescue Madeline. Blofeld helps them decipher Madeline’s mother’s clue and locate Safin’s lair in an abandoned diamond mine in Russia, where Madeline learns that Safin is planning to use Obruchev’s weapon to wipe out humanity and repopulate the planet with genetically engineered cloned humans. He has already made a girl based on Madeline’s DNA to be the Eve, and is making a boy based on own DNA to be the Adam of his New Eden.
Bond and Nomi infiltrate Safin’s lair. Bond is captured and brought before Safin, but manages to escape, disable the bioweapon and kill Safin, avenging Leiter and Paloma. Meanwhile, Nomi kills Ashe and rescues Madeline and Eve. The four escape before the facility explodes and reunites at a nearby beach, where Bond and Madeline reconcile and decide to raise Eve together, while Nomi returns to the MI6. Bond assures her that he’s never too far gone if they need his help again.
Visto sobre el papel Saffin me resulta más interesante, al menos da la impresión que su personaje tiene un fin. Bastante interesante lo que he leído, aunque el final parezca un poco flojo, especialmente como final de etapa.
Por cierto, yo también pienso que lo de la muerte de Bond es cosa de Craig, de hecho seguramente fue una de las cosas con lo que lo atrajeron para seguir una mas. Además de ser siempre un "caramelito" interpretativo para cualquier actor/actriz, es que en este caso tratándose ni más ni menos que de un personaje tan importante y popular como James Bond con más razón todavía.
Insisto en que es muy interesante leer este hilo completo para ver el cómo se hizo con puntos de vista más libres que el de los libros oficiales. Por ejemplo, en la página 17 comentamos lo del Valhalla en Escocia y su sustitución por el Superleggera. Sustitución digital confirmada por uno de efectos visuales en un podcast francés
De todos modos la pregunta era más de por dónde vino la filtración ¿quién lo publicó?
Los doblajes son más propensos a gazapos que a filtraciones...
En todo caso es un error muy grave, porque efectivamente crea un agujero de guion donde realmente no lo hay.
Recuerdo que en SP también había dudas en el trailer (en la versión original) con una frase que no se sabía si la decía Blofeld o C. Supongo que, al no ver la cara de quien habla, se pueden cometer estos errores.
El decorado del cementerio y sus vistas de Matera:
No me sorprende, pero es un gran aporte que se confirme oficialmente. También se había hablado mucho del empeño de Harrison Ford en que muriera Han Solo, ¿hablarían del tema en el rodaje de Cowboys v Aliens?
¿Dice algo de las ideas de Boyle y Hodge para la película y lo que permaneció de ellas en el guion definitivo?
Lo vi ayer; impresionante reflexión y muy bien hecho el vídeo. Casi, casi hasta me convence con lo del título...
Con esta película, conforme pasan los días, más me convencen los argumentos a favor y, dicho con todo el respeto, más endebles me parecen la mayoría de las críticas que se hacen en su contra.
Michael G. Wilson In March 2017, we started developing a script with Neal Purvis and Robert Wade where Bond continues his relationship with Madeleine Swann. It also featured a toxin that targets people based on their DNA, so it was essentially an untraceable assassin. When Danny Boyle came on board as director in early 2018 he wrote a new treatment with John Hodge. We liked the emotionality of it. Their idea was that Bond had a relationship in the past - not with Madeleine - and he finds out he has a child. The idea of Bond having a child has been mooted before - a daughter was in an early Spectre script. We liked the tone of the Hodge/Boyle treatment, but as it developed it started to veer further and further away from the original story.
Danny is a fantastic filmaker, but we both realized we wanted to make different movies, so we parted on friendly terms in August 2018.
La idea de Boyle sería que Bond tenía una hija antes de conocer a Madeleine.
Gregg Wilson There were three core elements from the original Purvis and Wade script that we wanted to keep. Since Bond retires at the end of Spectre we liked the idea of introducing a new 007; she’s competitive with Bond and represents the new guard at MI6. Secondly, the DNA-targeted poison was the core idea for the threat. And lastly, we wanted a satisfying way for Bond to sacrifice himself at the end.
Daniel Craig When I started as Bond on Casino Royale, one of the early discussions I had with Barbara and Michael was that I would like to kill off Bond when I finished.
Barbara Broccoli We had considered killing Bond in Spectre, but decided against it.
Desde CR, Craig decía que quería matar a Bond cuando acabara. Barbara dice que lo consideraron hacer en Spectre y lo descartaron.
Cary Fukunaga We were five months out from start of filming. To say there was a bit of pressure would be an understatement. We made it one piece of a time, with a placeholder for the end of the film.
Paul Duncan The placeholder ending included Bond swimming through a radioactive underwater Russian city and drilling through concrete to gather pathogens for the villain Valentin Segura. At the end Bond infiltrates Segura’s lair, Solovetsky Monastery in northern Russia, to rescue Madeleine and their daughter.
"¡Mi Bond no lo hereda nadie, por mis coj...!"
Y lo de Boyle... Pues nos quedamos prácticamente igual. Lo que dice Michael siempre (En el Making Of también) Que él y ellos querían hacer una peli muy diferente... (Aunque por lo que cuentan tampoco parecen tan diferentes las ideas)
David Zaritsky, ¡desde Goldeneye!, presenta siete finales alternativos de Sin tiempo para morir. Sí, en todos vive Bond. El de El Santo estaría en la sección "Caballero Oscuro", aunque si David lo hubiera leído lo pondría aparte
Por cierto, no creo que haya hecho ningún vídeo con siete finales para Dr. No, OHMSS, Alta tensión o GoldenEye...
Interesante, siempre se puede pedir más, pero aporta varios datos novedosos.
Pues coincide en muchas cosas con la peli final para haberse filtrado tan tempranamente... ¿Quién lo filtraría?
Pues me voy a desdecir, ahora, con lo que ha puesto ggl de Taschen, tengo serias dudas de que fuera una verdadera filtración. Entiendo que puede ser deducción de algún aficionado que con los trailers, las fotos del rodaje, las claquetas y un poco de imaginación se montó la película.
Rami Malek Safin sets out to create a world where there is less bloodshed, to remove the world from hand-to-hand combat, from killing people in this animalistic way, as Bond essentially does, when he can kill in such a clean, precise manner. In his mind, this radically progressive technology will help humanity feel less guilty in the wars that they fight.
Gregg Wilson We don't say it, but it is implied that Safin's poisoning also rendered him infertile, so he is the last of his family line. He knows that his legacy is only what he makes and leaves behind through his actions. Now he has found the scientist and the technology to wipe out entire family lines. When you have the potential to say, "this isn't just going to kill you, it's going to kill all your descendants", that is a powerful threat to wield.
No se dice pero Safin es estéril y por eso quiere acabar con familias enteras...